
A Complete Application Consists of:

Test Scores:

Students applying to the program with thesis must submit ALES and/or the GRE General Exam and/or GMAT test scores.

The minimum requirements are:

ALES (verbal or quantitative or equal weight) ≥55 or GMAT ≥450 or GRE (quantitative) ≥610

ALES score is not required for the program without thesis.

The people who have not taken ALES exam yet, are supposed to apply to Call Center.

Phone number: 444 0 428

Proof of English Profiency:

Minimum requirements for the accepted language proficiency tests are as follows:

TOEFL IBT≥72 or IELTS≥6 or YDS≥60 or BİLETexternal link (BİLGİ English Test) ≥ 70


A limited number of merit-based financial scholarships consisting of up to a %40 tuition waiver are available.

Cumulative GPA: 3.00 and a score of 70 on LES, or 90 on ALES, or 750 on GRE quantitative and 4.5 on GRE Analytical Writing or 650 on GMAT.

As these scholarships are awarded on a first-come first-served basis, applicants seeking financial aid must submit their applications as early as possible.

Application deadline

Tuition and Fees